Manage one or more ISC BIND DNS servers without having to login to each server to update zone or configuration files. Just make your changes and build the configs all from the web interface. With fmDNS, you can manage:
7.0.5 (2025-02-08) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed cases where long custom resource record data and file contents would not save. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone reloads with named checks and $INCLUDE statements. (Issue #656) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone reload results formatting. (Issue #657) * Server - [bug] Fixed automatic 'also-notify' option when the DNS server is associated with multiple groups. (Issue #659) * Server - [bug] Fixed the issue where Files included in zone configuration would also be appended to the zonefile. 7.0.4 (2025-02-03) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed cases where long custom resource record data and file contents would not save. 7.0.4 (2025-02-03) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed CSS of the records "Validate All" button. 7.0.3 (2025-02-02) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed retrieval of name servers when editing records from a dynamic zone. (Issue #655) * Server - [bug] Fixed a PHP error when editing reverse zones. (Issue #655) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue that prevented dynamic zones and DNSSEC signed zones settings from getting turned off. (Issue #655) * Server - [bug] Fixed record validation page formatting. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone row highlight color when zone is checked. * Server - [bug] CSS tweak. 7.0.2 (2025-01-24) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed CNAME append domain functionality. (Issue #650) 7.0.1 (2025-01-21) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed new installations. * Server - [bug] Fixed new client registrations. 7.0.0 (2025-01-18) ================== * Server - [security] Fixed an issue where unsupported built-in variables would return data. * Server - [feature] When using server groups, primary zones can automatically set also-notify to include all secondary servers. * Both - [feature] Defined keys can now be optionally used with rndc. (Issue #636 #389) * Server - [improvement] Editing DNSSEC keys now shows the key name and type. * Server - [improvement] Zone groups can now be referenced in RPZ and validate-except. * Server - [improvement] Takes better advantage of fM JS grab functionality. * Server - [improvement] Added additional RPZ options. * Server - [improvement] Provide better configuration logging. * Server - [improvement] Made form validation global. * Server - [improvement] Moved feature minimum version notices. * Server - [improvement] Form validation is done inline now. * Server - [improvement] fM 5.0 compatibility. * Server - [improvement] Moved RPZ under Config->Options. * Server - [improvement] Individual zones now get checked for loadable syntax prior to reloading. * Server - [improvement] All configuration pages are sortable. * Server - [improvement] An IP address can now be specified for servers to ensure communication availability. * Server - [improvement] Comments can be added to zones. * Server - [improvement] Managing zone records is revamped and all resource records can be displayed and edited on a single page. (Issue #406) * Server - [improvement] When A record values are changed, the checkbox to automatically create/update the PTR is checked by default. * Server - [improvement] Added confirmation if leaving zone-records with unsaved changes. * Server - [improvement] Top bar provides visual that unsaved changes exist for the active zone. * Server - [improvement] Replaced most record actions with icons. * Server - [improvement] Zone configuration preview is now available when editing zone records. * Server - [improvement] RR type is now a link when viewing all records. * Both - [improvement] Added API parameter to reload a zone. (Issue #645) (Fixed by gianlucagiacometti) * Server - [bug] Dynamic zones now pull the zone from the correct directory. * Server - [bug] Fixed modifying dnssec policies when an override exists. * Server - [bug] Added missing icon to add options for zone templates. * Server - [bug] Fixed server group member references. (Issue #637) * Server - [bug] Fixed message formatting of dynamic zone errors. * Server - [bug] Server updates via cron would specify incorrect zone directory. (Issue #638) * Server - [bug] Fixed RPZ ordering. * Server - [bug] Fixed option value logging formatting. * Server - [bug] Fixed inability to delete unused logging channels. * Server - [bug] Redirect URL field no longer shows when creating a primary zone. * Server - [bug] Disabled servers associated with a key would still show up in the config builds. * Server - [bug] Cloned zones of the same parent cannot be of the same name. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors. (Issues #641 #642) * Server - [bug] MX records now append the domain to the record value when defined. * Server - [bug] Added missing support for CAA critical flag. * Server - [bug] Fixed inability to add IPv6 subnets to ACLs. (Issue #643) * Server - [bug] Page scrolling fixes. * Server - [bug] The correct Zones menu item is select when editing zone records. 6.2.0 (2024-10-14) ================== * Server - [improvement] Added support to specify a zone transfer key at either the view or individual zone level. (Issue #512) * Server - [improvement] Added support for built-in variables for use in record values. (Issue #593) * Server - [bug] Changed 'notify' option value from 'master-only' to 'primary-only'. * Server - [bug] Fixed logging display of some config options. * Server - [bug] Removed the ability to select multiple keys per server. (Issue #512) 6.1.1 (2024-10-07) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors that prevented editing of certain config options. 6.1.0 (2024-09-30) ================== * Server - [improvement] Added graphic highlighting to bulk actions. (Issue #604) * Server - [improvement] Updated database tables to the INNODB storage engine. (Issue #607) * Server - [improvement] Form validations now trims and sanitizes all fields. * Server - [improvement] Added additional CSS highlighting. * Server - [improvement] ACL elements can now be added when an ACL is defined. * Server - [improvement] Added support for custom DNSSEC policies. (Issue #568) * Server - [improvement] HTTP endpoints and TLS connections can now be sorted. * Server - [bug] HTTP endpoints and TLS connections can no longer be deleted when used. * Server - [bug] Configuration can no longer be built when the server does not have a configuration file defined. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where some JavaScript would not run. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP8 errors. (Issue #629 #630) * Server - [bug] Fixed nested ACL element displays during edits. * Server - [bug] Fixed the ability to edit HTTP endpoints that are in use. * Client - [improvement] Added client install -o|options parameter. (Issue #605) * Client - [improvement] Added support to automatically install bind9. 6.0.6 (2024-05-31) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP8 errors. (Issue #629 #630) * Server - [bug] Fixed inability to create secondary and stub zones. (Issue #631) * Server - [bug] Fixed log message for new zones. 6.0.5 (2024-05-05) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed multiple PHP8 errors. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP5 errors. (Issue #626) * Server - [bug] Fixed ability to define primaries in a secondary zone. (Issue #627) 6.0.4 (2024-03-15) ================== * Server - [bug] When deleting an A record with a link PTR the reverse zone now gets flagged for reload. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors. (Issue #611 #612 #613 #616) * Server - [bug] Reverted @ conversion in record values. (#593 #617) 6.0.3 (2024-02-14) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed minimum version for use of primary/secondary. * Server - [bug] Updated check-names to use primary/secondary. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone file location for bind version split at 9.16.12 (forces build config). 6.0.2 (2024-02-13) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed zone reloads with server groups defined. (Issue #610) 6.0.1 (2024-02-11) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed upgrade process. (Issue #609) 6.0.0 (2024-02-09) ================== * Server - [feature] Added support for several more global option and logging parameters. * Server - [feature] Added support for HTTP endpoints and TLS connections. * Server - [feature] Additional files can be created and then included. (Issue #493) * Server - [improvement] CSS/jQuery tweaks to improve the popup boxes. * Server - [improvement] @ used in record values will be translated as the zone name. (Issue #593) * Server - [improvement] IPv4 reverse zones can now sort hierarchically. (Issue #411) * Server - [improvement] Forward zone hierarchically sorting supports two sub-domain levels. * Server - [improvement] Added view name to the top bar. (Issue #602) * Server - [improvement] Users get returned to previous page with search criteria after managing zone records. * Server - [improvement] Updated to use primary/secondary nomenclature. * Server - [improvement] Template and Name Server configs get copied to the new reverse zone when automatically creating the zone from a PTR. (Issue #570) * Server - [improvement] auto-dnssec has been replaced with dnssec-policy when enabling DNSSEC on a zone. Only internal policies are supported at this time. (Issue #568) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where automatic PTR records would not get created. * Server - [bug] Fixed additional PHP8 compatibility errors. (Issue #582 #583) * Server - [bug] PTR records are now deleted with the linked A record. (Issue #580) * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors. (Issue #596) * Server - [bug] Removed unnecessary zone selection from rate limit configuration options. * Server - [bug] Fixed CNAME singleton RR checks. * Server - [bug] Keys can now be deselected from primaries. * Server - [bug] Configuration options that support multiple instances now get built. * Server - [bug] Keys, ACLs, and logging channels can no longer be deleted when they are referenced. * Server - [bug] Duplicate ACL elements can no longer be assigned to an ACL. * Client - [improvement] Client now specifies named.conf.keys location with rndc. (Issue #389) * Client - [bug] Fixed PHP errors. (Issue #600) 5.3.3 (2023-05-10) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed ability to have the same zone defined multiple times with different name servers hosting it. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone add/edit audit logging. * Server - [bug] Multiple CNAME RR with the same name can be added in a disabled state. 5.3.2 (2023-04-19) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed the ability to add more than four records. (Issue #575) * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors for PHP8 compatibility. 5.3.1 (2023-04-14) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed automatic PTR creates/updates. (Issue #573) * Server - [bug] Fixed slave cache truncation during server builds. (Issue #574) * Server - [bug] Multiple CNAME RR with the same name can no longer be created. * Server - [bug] Removed duplicate security logging category. 5.3.0 (2023-03-09) ================== * Both - [improvement] Added PHP 8.2 support. (Issue #558) * Server - [improvement] Config builds are no longer triggered when deleting an unbuilt zone. * Server - [improvement] Removed the Actions column when adding records that do not have actions. * Server - [bug] Fixed the ability to enable/disable zone groups. * Server - [bug] Fixed removal of cloned zones and ACL elements. * Server - [bug] View reordering bars no longer show with one view. * Server - [bug] Zone import verification wording fix. * Server - [bug] Fixed log message for server changes. * Server - [bug] Removed the unused server group enable/disable button. * Server - [bug] Fixed check-names option for zones and global options. (Issue #571) * Server - [bug] Fixed ACL CIDR validation. (Issue #547) * Server - [bug] Fixed RPZ logging. * Server - [bug] Fixed config build for recursive-only server which had resulted in a 'file not found' error. (Issue #572) 5.2.1 (2022-06-29) ================== * Server - [bug] Multiple CAA records can now exist with different types. (Issue #554) 5.2.0 (2022-01-06) ================== * Both - [improvement] Added support for separate slave/stub zone directory. (Issue #540) * Server - [improvement] Removed record class support and defaults to INternet. (Issue #516) * Server - [improvement] Added link to edit additional options for cloned zones. * Server - [bug] Fixed RRSet and Rate Limit configuration builds. (Issue #542) * Server - [bug] Fixed missing support for nested ACLs. (Issue #544) * Server - [bug] Fixed menu display when Custom RR is set. 5.1.1 (2021-10-27) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed server group deletions. * Server - [bug] Removed obsolete cleaning-interval option from a default installation. * Server - [bug] Fixed configuration builds when validate-except contains non-hosted zones. 5.1.0 (2021-09-29) ================== * Server - [improvement] Domain TTL can be set independently of SOA TTL. * Server - [bug] Fixed used RR type display. * Server - [bug] Editing zone configuration now keeps the user on the current page. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone creations during zone file imports. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone drop-down menu display of cloned zones without an associated view. * Server - [bug] Fixed view selection when editing a zone based on a template or is a clone. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone deletions when RPZ is configured. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone import records button when defining a new zone. * Server - [bug] Fixed Response Policy Zone display when All Zones is the only record. 5.0.0 (2021-09-14) ================== * Server - [feature] Added support for validate-except option. (Issue #537) * Server - [feature] Added ability to append any records/data to each zone file. * Server - [improvement] Updated UI to better show disabled buttons and fields. * Server - [improvement] View selection menus now list the server or server group they belong to. * Server - [improvement] ACLs can now contain TSIG keys. (Issue #511) * Server - [improvement] Web server sudo commands now pass the non-interactive flag. * Server - [improvement] BIND options are commented out for unsupported BIND versions. * Server - [improvement] Configuration checks now display loadable warnings. * Server - [improvement] Server configs can now be previewed when a client upgrade is available. * Server - [bug] Fixed log entries when adding a group view or changing a group view order. * Server - [bug] Fixed reverse zone filename when the server update method is cron. (Issue #519) * Server - [bug] Fixed slave file name when only a single zone is defined with the specified name. (Issue #456) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone forwarders and masters could not be updated. (Issue #518) * Server - [bug] Ensure only TSIG keys are available when defining controls. * Server - [bug] Fixed DNSSEC key creations. (Issue #527) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone config checks when named-checkzone is missing. (Issue #535) * Server - [bug] Fixed DNSSEC zone config builds. (Issue #528) * Server - [bug] Fixed missing information in sudo error messages. * Server - [bug] TSIG key names cannot no longer contain spaces. 4.1.0 (2021-02-03) ================== * Server - [security] Fixed an issue where arbitrary system commands could be run through the DNSSEC key generation. (Found and reported by Niko K from Cure53) * Both - [improvement] Removed required value parameter from client API call when deleting records. (Issue #510) * Server - [bug] Fixed server group view sorting. (Issue #509) * Server - [bug] Fixed group-specific zone options. (Issue #517) * Server - [bug] Removed duplicate record type from log entries. * Both - [bug] Dryrun client parameter is now supported in API calls. 4.0.2 (2020-12-16) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed domain creations based on templates. (Issue #508) 4.0.1 (2020-11-27) ================== * Server - [bug] Unsupported BIND version messages for Rate Limit and RPZ features in server configurations only show when those features are used. * Server - [bug] Fixed upgrade process retry attempts. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where ACLs could not be defined. (Issue #505) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone DNSSEC key link. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone bulk import when values contain the domain name. (Issue #486) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone bulk import when tabs are present in the file. (Issue #488) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone import tool to include OPENPGPKEY, SMIMEA, TLSA, and URI RRTYPEs. * Server - [bug] Fixed some PHP errors. 4.0.0 (2020-11-11) ================== * Both - [feature] Added support for API calls to add, update, and delete records. (Issue #289 #327) * Both - [feature] Added support to forward records to URLs through the fmDNS URL RRTYPE. (Issue #396) * Server - [feature] Added support to add ACL addresses in bulk. (Issue #484) * Server - [feature] Added support for Response Policy Zones. (Issue #471) * Server - [feature] Added support for SMIMEA RRTYPE. (Issue #501) * Server - [feature] Added support for URI RRTYPE. * Server - [improvement] named checks now skip previously checked zones. (Issue #212) Note: The first named check will process all configured zones. * Server - [improvement] Updated named.root from upstream. * Server - [improvement] DNSSEC inline signing is now supported. (Issue #476) * Server - [improvement] New zones icon to quickly manage DNSSEC keys from. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP error during server configuration build. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone reloads would be attempted on remote servers. * Server - [bug] Use UTS46 for IDN translations to fix PHP 7.2 errors. (Issue #481) * Server - [bug] Fixed ACL validation. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone import when values contain the domain name. (Issue #486) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where DNSSEC zone configuration item would be incorrectly displayed. * Server - [bug] Exclude template zones from DNSSEC keys filter menu. 3.4.1 (2019-10-16) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where the view order could not be changed. (Issue #464) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone file names during reloads. (Issue #468) 3.4.0 (2019-10-01) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed zone imports for lines without a record name. (Issue #445) * Server - [bug] Fixed master clause deletions when no address lists are associated with it. (Issue #447) * Server - [bug] Ensured multi-line record values do not contain extra spaces. * Server - [bug] Fixed jquery to highlight records to be updated when the multi-line values are modified. * Server - [bug] Fixed remote server creation after a fresh installation. * Server - [bug] Fixed dynamic zone loading for reverse zones. (Issue #449) * Server - [feature] Added support for TLSA and OPENPGPKEY RR types. (Issue #439) * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP error during config generation via cron. (Issue #454) * Both - [security] Fixed an issue where local privileges could be escalated to root. (Found and reported by Arturs Danilevics, Oskars Vegeris, and Ivars Vids) * Server - [security] Ensured header() calls are not skipped. (Found and reported by Arturs Danilevics, Oskars Vegeris, and Ivars Vids) * Server - [feature] Added support to define the zone filename. (Issue #456) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where ACLs could not be deleted. (Issue #458) 3.3.4 (2019-05-17) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed support for empty forwarders zone option. (Issue #443) * Server - [bug] Updated which zone options are available based on zone type. * Server - [bug] Fixed unset variable during configuration builds. * Server - Updated default named.root file. * Server - [bug] Fixed Rate Limit display and zone configuration when selecting a zone. * Server - [bug] Added missing configuration options. 3.3.3 (2019-03-29) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed client installations from an install of v3.3.0-3.3.2. (Issue #438) 3.3.2 (2019-03-20) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed server menu badge counts with respect to remote servers. (Issue #218) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone filtering was not available to users without the super-admin privilege. (Issue #436) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where users with zone-management privileges could not modify additional zone options. * Server - [bug] Fixed table formatting for users with view-only privilege. * Server - [bug] Fixed installs and upgrades with PHP 7.3.x. (Issue #436) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where serial numbers for servers change after editing the server details. (Issue #437) 3.3.1 (2019-03-17) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed SOA creations. (Issue #435) 3.3 (2019-03-16) ================ * Client - [bug] Fixed start-up script location for Debian-based and Redhat-based systems. (Issue #426) * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where TSIG keys could not be selected in certain options. (Issue #429) * Server - [improvement] Cleaned up redundant code. * Server - [improvement] Made the DS RRset available to view and copy. (Issue #419) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone filtering. (Issue #430) * Server - [bug] Fixed the display of dynamic zone and dnssec options while editing zone details. * Server - [improvement] Updated default named.root file. * Server - [improvement] Minor UI changes for more consistency. * Client - [improvement] Added support for Scientific Linux. (Issue #431) * Server - [bug] Fixed ACL display and ability to edit the entries. (Issue #432) * Server - [bug] Fixed Masters display and ability to edit the entries. * Server - [bug] Fixed the masters config when an address list is another masters list. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone imports where delegated NS records are used in reverse zones. (Issue #378) * Server - [improvement] Added record import for additional RR types. * Server - [bug] Fixed dynamic zone imports. (Issue #433) * Server - [feature] Added full support for the servers clause. (Issue #218) * Server - [improvement] CSS and icon changes. 3.2.1 (2018-12-15) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed text. * Server - [bug] Language fix. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone filters to include "All Zones" and "All Groups". * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP error. (Issue #423) * Server - [bug] Fixed display-process-all functionality. 3.2 (2018-10-26) ================ * Server - [bug] Fixed a fatal error during client interactions. * Server - [bug] Fixed automatic PTR creations when using a class A reverse zone. (Issue #408) * Server - [bug] Fixed support for multiple NAPTR record values. (Issue #409) * Server - [improvement] Added support for additional logging categories. * Server - [feature] Added support for the masters clause. (Issue #401) * Server - [bug] Fixed dynamic update record deletions. (Issue #413) * Server - [improvement] Added support to automatically create PTR records during the import wizard. (Issue #402) * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors. * Server - [improvement] Zones page now keeps the page header at the top. 3.1.2 (2017-12-22) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed zone groups. (Issue #375) 3.1.1 (2017-12-14) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed upgrade process. (Issue #404) 3.1.0 (2017-12-13) ================== * Client - [improvement] Fixed fetching through proxy server. (Issue #399) * Client - [bug] Root hint zone is now included when recursion is allowed only within certain views. (Issue #398) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where views for specific servers would be created for all servers. * Server - [feature] View order can now be changed. (Issue #397) * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where config options for Rate Limit and RRSet were incorrect. * Server - [bug] Fixed error messages regarding dynamic zones. * Server - [feature] Added support for zone groups. (Issue #375) * Server - [improvement] Pagination is now displayed even with no items. * Server - [bug] Fixed display of key item count. * Server - [bug] Zone cloning icon is no longer visible on cloned zones when a restricted account is used. * Server - [bug] Fixed option type validation. * Server - [improvement] Zones based on templates can now be associated with views independent of the template. (Issue #384) * Server - [improvement] Popup boxes now disable body scrolling. * Server - [improvement] Creating CNAME, NS, MX records with a null value now implies the domain name. (Issue #390) 3.0.4 (2017-10-10) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed dashboard text. * Server - [feature] Added support for using a proxy server. (Issue #388) * Server - [bug] Removes extra whitespace from new zone names. (Issue #394) 3.0.3 (2017-08-07) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed key name definitions when associated with a view. (Issue #385) 3.0.2 (2017-07-19) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed the auto-split of long TXT records adding a space only when necessary. (Issue #171) 3.0.1 (2017-07-06) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed the auto-split of long TXT records to include a space. * Server - [improvement] Updated German translation. 3.0 (2017-06-22) ================ * Server - [bug] Fixed the SOA during bulk zone imports. (Issue #377) * Server - [bug] Fixed the upgrade process. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP error. (Issue #374) * Server - [feature] Added support to automatically generate a DS RR. (Issue #285) * Client - [bug] EL chroot mounts now include fmDNS files. (Issue #346) * Server - [improvement] Added bulk actions to several pages. * Server - [improvement] Database errors now get displayed if the Show Errors setting is enabled. * Both - [improvement] Code clean up. * Server - [bug] Slave zones now work with multiple views. (Issue #367) * Server - [bug] Changing to a different template for a zone, the serial number was not updating thus slaves would not get updated. (Issue #368) * Server - [improvement] Added an icon on the zones pages for faster access to the zone options. * Both - [feature] Dynamic zones are now supported with servers updated via http/https. (Issue #90) * Server - [improvement] Better error messages surrounding dynamic zones. (Issue #370) * Server - [improvement] Added locale number formatting. * Server - [improvement] Code changes to better reference shared classes. * Server - [bug] Zones based on templates would be incorrectly logged during zone reloads. * Server - [feature] Added support for DNSSEC. (Issue #285) * Server - [improvement] Utilizes response error formatting. * Server - [improvement] Pagination is added to all pages. * Server - [improvement] Code clean up. * Server - [feature] Added support for the CAA RR. (Issue #361) * Server - [improvement] BIND time formats are allowed for TTL and SOA values. * Server - [improvement] Added support for additional SSHFP algorithms and certificate types. (Issue #355) * Server - [bug] Unprivileged users could see the ACL add new button. * Server - [bug] Fixed rate-limit options when only limits for domains are specified. * Server - [improvement] Language changes. * Server - [improvement] Added the option to sort zones hierarchically. (Issue #278) * Server - [improvement] PTR RRs are better linked with the A record. (Issue #277) * Server - [feature] Added support for statistics-channels. (Issue #352) * Server - [improvement] Unset large variables after use to free up system resources. * Server - [bug] Fixed display of available zones when the user is restricted to a cloned zone. (Issue #350) * Server - [improvement] Added item name to the delete confirmations. (Issue #185) * Server - [feature] Added support for DHCID, DLV, and DS resource records. * Server - [feature] Added support for more BIND configuration options including rrset-order, 9.10, and 9.11 options. (Issue #336) * Server - [improvement] Configuration options may now display the minimum version of BIND required to use the option. * Server - [feature] Added support for dynamic zones. (Issue #90) * Server - [bug] Added missing translation text and removed duplicates. * Server - [feature] Added support to import a BIND-compatible zone dump file to make migrations to fmDNS easier. (Issue #96) * Server - [improvement] Zone previews now show all available RRs regardless of DNS server version hosting the zone. * Server - [bug] address_match_element values now strip any inputed semi-colons. * Server - [feature] Use mysqli functions where available. (Issue #343) * Server - [improvement] Users limited to specific zones and the capability to create new zones now can view their newly created zones. (Issue #339) 2.2.6 (2016-09-22) ================== * Server - [bug] Added missing dnssec-validation value. (Issue #347) * Server - [improvement] When limiting zone access to a user or group, the view is appended to the name. (Issue #349) * Client - [bug] EL7-based systems use named-chroot.service for chroot environments. (Issue #345) 2.2.5 (2016-08-23) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed named configuration and zone file checks. (Issue #333) * Client - [bug] Fixed versioning issue during upgrades. 2.2.4 (2016-07-21) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where address_match_element options would not accept any input. (Issue #329) * Server - [improvement] AJAX now redirects to login page when fM and module database updates are required. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where SOA serial numbers were not incrementing for cloned zones. (Issue #330) * Server - [bug] Fixed error messaging during zone configuration builds. * Both - [security] Improved permission support for files installed by the client. (Issue #320) 2.2.3 (2016-06-14) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed incorrect use of DNAME with zone templates. (Issue #321) * Server - [bug] Fixed forwarder IP entries for forward zones. (Issue #324) 2.2.2 (2016-05-05) ================== * Client - [bug] Zone reloads via HTTP(s) would not increment the SOA serial number. (Issue #315) * Server - [bug] Zones would not proper reload when multiple servers were selected to host the zone. (Issue #315) 2.2.1 (2016-04-29) ================== * Server - [bug] ACLs were not properly upgraded to the new schema. (Issue #313) * Server - [bug] New ACLs could not be created. * Server - [improvement] CSS fix on ACL table. * Server - [bug] Zone file import would incorrectly handle semi-colons in the record value as comments. (Issue #311) * Server - [bug] New ACL entries would not be included in the server config. 2.2 (2016-04-24) ================ * Client - Upgrading requires a manual installation using the steps in * Server - [bug] Dump and clear cache tools now honor the server selection. * Both - [improvement] Cleaned up duplicate functions to simplify code. * Client - [improvement] Client app is renamed to client.php to standardize all module client apps. * Server - [improvement] Updated help file. * Server - [bug] Fixed audit logging of zone edits. * Server - [feature] Added views menu to config options page. (Issue #262) * Server - [bug] When deleting servers or server groups, associated configs were not being deleted. * Server - [feature] Reworked the ACL configuration page to support additional comments on each ACL element. (Issue #206) * Server - [bug] Empty ACLs would break named.conf syntax. * Server - [bug] Under certain browsers, the jQuery would not execute. (Issue #298) * Server - [improvement] Server configuration previews are now available with disabled servers. * Server - [bug] Zone templates can now be deleted. (Issue #300) * Server - [improvement] Forward zones no longer enforce forward servers being specified since empty forwarders are valid. (Issue #299) * Server - [improvement] Zone file import checks for singleton RR and will tick the 'Skip Import' box. (Issue #280) * Server - [feature] User permissions can now be granular on cloned zones. (Issue #272) * Server - [improvement] Reverse zone creation now supports RFC2317 and RFC2181 names. (Issue #284) * Server - [improvement] Added support for include statements to be in named.conf outside of a clause. (Issue #301) * Server - [bug] Creating non-master zones triggers server config builds. (Issue #310) * Server - [improvement] Added French translation. 2.1.8 (2016-03-24) ================== * Server - [bug] Zones based on a template were not honoring the DNS server selection. (Issue #296) 2.1.7 (2016-03-11) ================== * Server - [bug] Enclosed database references in backticks in SQL statements. (Issue #290) 2.1.6 (2016-01-24) ================== * Server - [bug] ACL names that contain spaces are now quoted. (Issue #281) 2.1.5 (2016-01-08) ================== * Server - [bug] Editing quoted_string options would not show current value. * Server - [bug] Record validation regarding singleton RR types now considers record status. (Issue #274) 2.1.4 (2015-12-10) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed include statement within zone clause. (Issue #270) 2.1.3 (2015-12-08) ================== * Server - [bug] RR updates would incorrectly append the domain. (Issue #269) * Server - [bug] Fixed config builds and zone reloads. (Issue #269) * Client - [bug] Fixed client upgrade loop. 2.1.2 (2015-12-07) ================== * Server - [bug] Clients would not update the database during installation (result of adding #223). * Server - [bug] fM defined temporary directory was not always used. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors with server configuration builds. (Issue #268) * Server - [bug] Configuration options containing $ROOT would not be stored properly on the clients. * Server - [improvement] Overall performance improvements. (Issue #224) 2.1.1 (2015-12-05) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed client installations. (Issue #265) 2.1 (2015-12-02) ================ * Server - [improvement] Record validation no longer allows a CNAME RR at the zone level. * Server - [feature] Record validation now ensures singleton type RR. (Issue #208) * Server - [feature] Added support for automatically creating PTR records in reverse subnet maps. (Issue #195) * Server - [improvement] Updated default SOA values to RFC1912 recommendations. * Server - [improvement] Updated default named.root file. * Server - [improvement] Minor UI edits. * Server - [improvement] Improved performance. * Server - [bug] Included missing translation text. * Server - [improvement] Zone import tool no longer compares record comment to determine if the record is a duplicate. * Server - [bug] Fixed read-only SRV and TXT record display. * Server - [bug] Fixed address_match_element parsing. (Issue #237) * Server - [feature] Added missing response-policy config option. (Issue #229) * Server - [feature] Added support for include statements. (Issue #123) * Server - [improvement] Read-only zone record display now stretches to the bottom of the browser window. * Server - [feature] Added user group support. (Issue #211) * Server - [bug] Slave zone directory now gets created if required. (Issue #241) * Server - [improvement] Replaced Add New image with Font Awesome icon. * Server - [improvement] Hostnames can no longer contain an underscore (_) or start with a hyphen (-). (Issue #254) * Server - [bug] Fixed RR updates as record append option would default to 'no'. * Server - [improvement] Minor performance improvements. (Issue #224) * Server - [feature] Added support for IPv6 CIDR notation. (Issue #252) * Server - [feature] Added support for the NAPTR RR. (Issue #248) * Server - [bug] When specifying a server or group override for a config parameter the appropriate servers would not be flagged for a config build. (Issue #257) * Server - [bug] Logging channels and categories would always be defined for all servers regardless of server/group selection. * Server - [bug] Updating SOA templates did not set the reload flag for the associated zones. (Issue #259) * Server - [security] Users restricted to specific zones can no longer clone zones they do not have access to. 2.0.3 (2015-06-29) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed upgrade routine from v1.2.3. (Issue #230) 2.0.2 (2015-05-27) ================== * Both - [bug] Fixed BIND version compare at client install time. (Issue #212) * Server - [bug] Included missing translation text. * Server - [improvement] Added support for systemd in client rc scripts. (Issues #212 #215) * Server - [bug] Dashboard summary now excludes template zones and records. (Issue #212) * Server - [bug] Fixed server override capabilities for server options. * Server - [bug] Fixed some PHP errors. 2.0.1 (2015-05-03) ================== * Server - [security] Unauthorized users can no longer see the zone config via the preview button. (Issue #210) * Server - [bug] Fixed template menus and page access. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zones based on templates could not be reloaded. * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone files do not get purged. 2.0 (2015-04-27) ================ * Server - [feature] Added the ability to use clones in a split-view environment. (Issue #165) * Server - [feature] Added support for keys in address_match_elements. (Issue #157) * Server - [feature] Added ability to reload all zones with a single click on the top menu bar. (Issue #116) * Server - [feature] New zones can now be created with the zone import wizard. * Server - [improvement] Zone imports now check for duplicate records with parent zone when importing to a cloned zone. * Server - [bug] Fixed handling of hint zone writes when named.root is not writeable. * Server - [feature] Added searching functionality. (Issue #149 #188) * Server - [improvement] Added graphical representation to skipped records in the cloned zone view. * Server - [improvement] Can now edit cloned zone details. * Server - [improvement] Skipped records are no longer displayed to read-only accounts. * Server - [feature] Added support for resource rate limiting (Issue #118). * Server - [bug] Records skipped in a cloned zone are now deleted from the fm_dns_records_skipped database. * Server - [feature] Added ability to filter zone listing by views. * Server - [feature] Added support for server grouping for use with master and slave name servers. (Issue #148) * Server - [bug] Fixed bulk action checkbox logic. * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where zones could not be updated when there are no views defined. * Server - [security] Added ability to enable/disable automatic client registration in the database. (Issue #122) * Server - [feature] Added the option to use DNAME resource records for cloned zones with a per-zone override. (Issue #169) * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where multiple SOA templates could be marked as default. * Server - [feature] Added support for zone templates. (Issue #154) * Server - [feature] Added i18n support (Issue #106). * Server - [improvement] jQuery is now used to enable/disable items. * Server - [bug] Fixed channel selection within logging category definition. * Server - [feature] Supports TXT records larger than 255 characters. (Issue #171) * Server - [feature] Automatically updates PTR record when updating an existing A record and ticking 'Create PTR' box. (Issue #129) * Server - [bug] Fixed address_match_element display during build config. * Server - [improvement] Appending domains in SOA records for reverse zones are no longer allowed. (Issue #176) * Server - [improvement] Added better support for long TXT RR (introduced in 2.0-beta1). (Issue #171 #179) * Server - [feature] DNS server version is displayed on the servers page. (Issue #180) * Server - [improvement] Swapped /tmp for sys_get_temp_dir(). (Issue #164) * Server - [improvement] SSH keys can be saved if the file already exists. (Issue #164) * Server - [improvement] Incorporated mod_headers to save bandwidth. (Issue #164) * Server - [bug] The correct comments for views and config options are displayed when defining a server override. * Server - [bug] Sanitized view names that contain illegal system characters for filenames. * Server - [improvement] Added button to clone a zone. * Server - [improvement] Zone clones are now sorted by name. * Server - [improvement] CNAME records are handled better regarding domain appending. * Client - [feature] Server reloads now support freeze and thaw. (Issue #183) * Server - [feature] Zones that need attention can be filtered. (Issue #188) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone reloads via cron for cloned zones. * Server - [improvement] Stores full SOA serial number in the database. * Server - [bug] ACLs and keys can no longer be disabled or deleted if they are used. * Server - [bug] Changing SOA templates would not enforce a zone reload. (Issue #202) * Server - [bug] Removed zones and servers that need attention from unprivileged users. (Issue #204) * Server - [improvement] ACLs and predefined address_match_elements can now be referenced in the negated format. 1.3.6 (2015-02-09) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed address_match_element parsing. (Issue #173). 1.3.5 (2015-01-08) ================== * Server - [improvement] Added support to change the forward option within the zone definition. (Issue #168) * Server - [improvement] Additional zone options can now be configured for slave zones. 1.3.4 (2014-11-17) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed server menu badge counts to accurately reflect numbers when limiting user access. * Server - [improvement] Updated view display for keys config. * Both - [bug] Fixed client upgrade problem introduced in 1.3.3. 1.3.3 (2014-11-10) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed zones display when limiting user access. (Issue #162) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone menu badge counts to accurately reflect numbers when limiting user access. 1.3.2 (2014-11-05) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed CNAME with @ value could not be created. (Issue #161) 1.3.1 (2014-10-13) ================== * Server - [improvement] No longer default to creating a SOA template. (Issue #155) * Server - [feature] Added ability to define default SOA. (Issue #155) * Server - [feature] Added BIND 9.10 support key algorithms. (Issue #156) 1.3 (2014-09-17) ================ * Client - [bug] Fixed PHP error when attempting to purge files. * Server - [improvement] The zone records type menu now shows only the record types that contain records for the zone and hides the other types. * Server - [bug] Fixed building of cloned zones. * Server - [improvement] Formatted zone file record output better. * Server - [security] Fixed issue where unprivileged users could reload zones. * Server - [improvement] Added zone record count to zone listing. * Server - [bug] Fixed config build errors and display issues. * Server - [bug] Allow IPv6 addresses in ACLs. (Issue #146) * Server - [bug] Fixed config options inputs and error messages. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone imports. * Server - [bug] Fixed check-names zone syntax. * Server - [improvement] Changed order of named.conf sections. * Server - [feature] Automatically includes the hint zone. (Issue #104) * Server - [feature] Adds localhost zones at install time. (Issue #105) * Server - [feature] Added support for select2 jquery. * Server - [feature] Added support for controls. (Issue #102) * Server - [improvement] Fixed scrolling of named check window. * Server - [improvement] Gave the popups a facelift. * Server - [feature] Added pagination support. (Issue #85) * Server - [improvement] Fixed sort order of several pages. (Issue #117) * Server - [feature] Removed support for manual zone serial number entries. * Server - [feature] Automatically create missing reverse zone when creating PTR records from A records page. (Issue #115) * Server - [improvement] Rewrote record validation and adds better support for CNAME creations (Issue #111). * Server - [feature] Added support for SSHFP RR. (Issue #84) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone creations would fail without an error. * Both - [feature] Added support to dump and clear cache. (Issue #112) * Server - [bug] Fixed server overrides. (Issue #132) * Server - [improvement] Cleaned up some code. * Both - [feature] Added support to define chroot directory. (Issue #92, #134) * Server - [feature] Added support for SOA templates. (Issue #114) * Server - [bug] Fixed the servers menu badge count. (Issue #139) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zones could still be reloaded after updating the zone configuration. (Issue #141) * Server - [feature] Preview of single zone files is now possible. (Issue #130) * Server - [improvement] Redesigned zone configuration and added support for configuration options at the zone level. * Server - [improvement] All tables are now sortable. (Issue #127) * Server - [feature] Added IDN display support. (Issue #124) * Server - [feature] Added support to automatically create PTR records for existing A records. (Issue #129) * Server - [bug] Fixed zone name validation to support the underscore (Issue #143) 1.2.5 (2014-06-04) ================== * Server - [feature] Client auto upgrade minimum version is now dynamic. 1.2.4 (2014-05-30) ================== * Server - [improvement] Added table index to improve queries. (Issue #96) * Client - [bug] Fixed a dependency check. (Issue #98) * Server - [bug] Fixed cron zone reloads (Issue #98) 1.2.3 (2014-05-16) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed include/exclude of records in cloned domains. * Server - [bug] Fixed CERT updates when key tag is blank. * Server - [bug] Fixed fatal PHP errors found with PHP 5.5. (Issue #95) * Server - [feature] Added helpful note when adding servers via UI. 1.2.2 (2014-05-15) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where zone reloads would not happen. (Issue #93) 1.2.1 (2014-05-15) ================== * Both - [bug] Fixed client upgrade versioning. (Issue #93) 1.2 (2014-05-14) ================ * Server - [bug] Fixed a SQL error when enabling/disabling keys. * Server - [feature] Organizes zone files in respective directories. (Upgrades will force server config builds.) (Issue #75) * Server - [feature] Added support for bulk server config builds and zone reloads. (Issue #71) * Server - [bug] Fixed a page title. * Server - [feature] Added customizable UI record sorting. (Issue #81) * Server - [feature] Added support for the Hesiod class. * Server - [feature] Added support for additional RR types. (Issue #84) * Server - [bug] Improved server name resolution for building server key definitions. (Issue #80) * Server - [feature] Separated A and AAAA records. * Server - [bug] Fixed config options could not be updated. * Server - [bug] Fixed incorrect redirection under certain circumstances. * Both - Added file extensions to all redirects and links. * Server - [feature] More than eight records can be added now. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where record admins could not view the records for a zone without a SOA or NS records. * Server - Updated alert messages for misssing SOA and NS records. * Server - [bug] Removed non-master zones from the 'clone of' list. * Server - [feature] Disabled records now have the proper css class assigned. * Server - [feature] Added support to modify cloned zones. (Issue #65) * Server - [bug] Added missing logging of clone zone creations. * Server - [bug] Adding cloned zones now requires a server config build. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where cloned zones may not get built. * Server - Cleaned up code. * Server - Updated help file content to reflect new features. * Server - [feature] Added ability to automatically add server config option overrides at client install time. Specifically for pid-file. (Issue #79) * Server - [security] Fixed an issue where unpriviledged users could save module settings. * Server - Moved module options into fM options table. * Server - Added server client upgrade status to the dashboard. * Server - Uses new fM user capabilities backend. * Server - [security] Fixed issue where users could import records into zones without having proper rights. * Server - [security] Fixed issue where users could automatically add PTR records into zones without having proper rights. * Server - Uses new fM menu platform. * Server - [bug] Records could not be added or imported due to high number of submitted variables (php max_input_vars). Added check for usability. (Issue #87) * Server - [bug] Fixed display of comments containing carriage returns. 1.1.3 (2014-04-15) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed AAAA record imports from zone file. (Issue #78) * Server - [security] Fixed an issue where record admins could update zone information. 1.1.2 (2014-04-04) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed zone delegation support. 1.1.1 (2014-03-24) ================== * Server - Improved installer and upgrader error handling. * Server - [bug] Fixed settings page typo. * Server - [bug] Zones will now reload properly when using split views. (Issue #77) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where servers could not get built after new zone creations. 1.1 (2014-03-18) ================ * Server - [feature] Added visual effects for things that need user attention. * Server - [feature] Comments can now be added to views, acls, keys, options, and logging configs. (Issue #52) * Server - [bug] Improved UI logging of logging channels and categories updates. * Server - [bug] Fixed PHP errors upon client installs. * Server - [feature] Added name server checks to the dashboard. * Server - [feature] Added support for zone delegation. (Issue #48) * Server - [bug] View options can now be defined even when previously defined in global options. (Issue #46) * Server - [feature] Added support for stub zones. (Issue #52) * Server - [bug] Improved cron updates. (Issue #66) * Client - [feature] Added client activity logging. (Issue #57) * Server - [bug] Prevent attempts to create non-existent record types for zones. * Server - [feature] Added forward PTR support specifically for DNS-SD. (Issue #63) * Server - [feature] Added support for wildcard records. (Issue #67) * Server - [bug] Improved interface for selecting server update method. (Issue #54) * Both - [feature] Added support to auto-update client files. (Issue #53) * Server - Improved upgrade error handling. 1.0.3 (2014-02-20) ================== * Server - Improved server key configs. (Issue #60) * Server - [bug] Fixed help file typo. 1.0.2 (2013-12-31) ================== * Server - [bug] Fixed named checks with slave zones. (Issue #56) 1.0.1 (2013-12-24) ================== * Server - [feature] Added dnssec-validation config option. (Issue #50) * Server - [feature] Added bindkeys-file config option. (Issue #51) * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where new installations would not populate the database properly. (Issue #55) * Server - [bug] Server update method can no longer be changed from the webui if the server is installed. (Issue #54) 1.0 (2013-12-16) ================ * Server - [feature] Added config option input validation. (Issue #35) * Server - [bug] Fixed false error reporting. (Issue #36) * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where server key definitions would be incorrectly included in views. (Issue #40) * Server - [feature] Updated jquery animations. * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where views without zones defined would cause the named-checks to fail. (Issue #41) * Server - [bug] Fixed server key syntax. * Server - [bug] Fixed 'Add more records' link. (Issue #42) * Server - [bug] Fixed some PHP errors. * Both - [feature] Added option to purge configuration files. (Issue #43) * Both - [bug] Fixed an issue where Debian-based files were not getting created/updated. (Issue #43) * Server - [bug] Improved SOA create/update checks and updated help file. (Issue #44) * Client - [feature] Updated Apple startup script. * Both - [feature] Added option to update client configs via SSH. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where the timezone was not set correctly for config builds. * Server - [bug] Improved logging channel definitions regarding file versions and size. (Issue #47) 1.0-rc6 (2013-11-06) ==================== * Server - [feature] Added additional zone reload link. (Issue #26) * Server - [bug] Fixed show/hide of server build button. * Server - [bug] Fixed server options config syntax with listen-on. (Issue #30) * Client - [feature] OS detection now separates OS from distro. * Server - [bug] Fixed some php errors. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where zone imports could be performed (Issue #31) without any defined zones. * Client - [feature] Checks for posix support before attempting to use it. * Server - [feature] Added an unsupported note during zone imports if $GENERATE and/or $ORIGIN records are found. * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where the server config build icon would not appear when expected to. (Issue #32) * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where record comments could not be deleted. (Issue #33) 1.0-rc5 (2013-10-16) ==================== * Server - [feature] Changed color of disabled items. * Client - [bug] Fixed broken zone reloads. (Issue #25) 1.0-rc4-2 (2013-10-14) ====================== * Both - [bug] Fixed broken config checks introduced in rc4 regarding debian-based systems. (Issue #24) 1.0-rc4-1 (2013-10-14) ====================== * Server - [bug] Creating zones now autoselects the correct zone type. * Server - [bug] Fixed broken ACLs introduced in rc4. (Issue #24) 1.0-rc4 (2013-10-14) ==================== * Server - [feature] Added more validity checks. * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where reinstallations would fail. * Client - [feature] Ubuntu systems now have named options defined in named.conf.options. (Issue #22) 1.0-rc3 (2013-09-30) ==================== * Both - [feature] Added support for server and clients to run http(s) on non-standard ports. (Issue #20) * Server - [feature] Improved jquery functions. * Client - [feature] Added more Linux distros to OS detection. * Server - [feature] Displays OS type in server list. * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where some clients may fail to install due to default named.conf ownership. 1.0-rc2 (2013-09-18) ==================== * Server - [bug] Added missing view options. (Issue #16) * Server - [feature] Improved zone file imports. (Issue #17) * Server - [feature] Server config builds now use jquery. * Server - [feature] Added named-checkconf and named-checkzone support and the ability to enable/disable the checks. (Issue #19) 1.0-rc1 (2013-09-13) ==================== * Server - [feature] Uses the datetime format from facileManager settings. * Server - [feature] Improved support for IPv6. * Server - [feature] Improved domain name validity checks. * Server - [feature] Updated help files. 1.0-b15 (2013-09-04) ==================== * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where config builds would fail because of cloned zones. * Server - [bug] Can no longer delete a view when zones are associated with it. * Server - [bug] Zones containing clones cannot become a clone. * Server - [bug] Fixed the import wizard which broke in 1.0-b11. 1.0-b14 (2013-09-03) ==================== * Server - [feature] Added zone name checking during add/edit. (Issue #13) * Server - [feature] Added support for split-brain dns. (Issue #14) * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances a zonefile does not get built when it has clones. * Server - [feature] Zone deletes now use same jQuery as other record deletions. * Server - [feature] Cloned zones can now be deleted. (Issue #9) * Server - [feature] Added more error checking. 1.0-b13 (2013-08-28) ==================== * Server - [feature] Set several tables to INNODB. * Server - [security] Users can now be limited to what zones they can manage. (Issue #7) * Both - [feature] Added support for AAAA records. 1.0-b12 (2013-08-23) ==================== * Server - [bug] Fixed database clean up bug. * Both - [feature] Zone file records now sort by IP Address for readability. * Server - [bug] Fixed zone clone creation bug. * Client - [bug] Fixed issue where cloned zones were not loaded. 1.0-b11 (2013-08-21) ==================== * Server - [bug] Improved server options configuration. * Both - [bug] Fixed an issue where multiple views would yield the same configuration options. 1.0-b10 (2013-08-14) ==================== * Client - [feature] Attempts to start named if it's not running. (Issue #6) * Server - [bug] No longer presents a blank message if php+httpd are not configured properly to receive updates via http(s). 1.0-b9 (2013-08-14) =================== * Server - [bug] Fixed an issue where the UI for servers was not displaying the correct run-as account. * Client - [bug] Fixed an issue where http(s) update methods would incorrectly report as failed. * Client - [feature] Will now be verbose about missing php-curl module in non-debug mode now. * Client - [bug] Improved detection of default variables during install. 1.0-b8 (2013-08-13) =================== * Client - [bug] Fixed PHP redeclare error. (Issue #4) 1.0-b7 (2013-08-13) =================== * Server - [bug] Improved installation to prevent duplicate entries. * Server - [feature] Removed the duplicate connection test result. * Server - [feature] Removed 'djbdns' server type. * Server - [feature] Added help file. * Client - [feature] Additional install error checking. 1.0-b5 (2013-08-10) =================== * Server - [bug] Duplicate PTR records will not be created. * Server - [feature] Improved logging for options, views, and servers management. * Server - [bug] Fixed issue where an admin could not (un)install modules. 1.0-b4 (2013-08-09) =================== * Initial release.
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